Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Wild about Math blogs 5/20/11

27 May 2011 | by Sol |

Summer is coming to Santa Fe. Welcome to another edition of wild about Math Blogs!

Check out math and multimedia Carnival # 11 by love of learning Blog.

My player with Mathematica Blog well. For a new blog in a niche space, has almost 100 subscribers and over 100 article views per day in only three weeks, very cool! If you get up to speed on Mathematica or even if you are an expert in Mathematica I think you would like to blog.

I really this essay on without geometry, life is Pointless: teaching problem-solving, part 1: start with a good Problem. Here is the first of five characteristics:

The problem is available. It minimizes vocabulary and notation (and vocabulary and notation that exists should simplify, not complicate). It should only be as precise as necessary. The problem should have multiple access points, and include ways to collect data of a kind. It should have multiple methods that promote different learning styles and celebrate the different ways to be smart. It can have multiple valid solutions.

Brent Yorgey, one of my very favorite Math bloggers, has a nice little proof by induction of a neat property of numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. This is a good example of proof by mathematical induction for those new to the technique.

Wolfram Blog has a fascinating history: former Microsoft CTO uses Mathematica to explore Science modernist kitchen.

Ever wondered how to grill the perfect steak? Or how well the dunking food in an ice bath will stop cooking process? Nathan Myhrvold used Mathematica to answer these questions and many others.

Myhrvold, the first chief technology officer at Microsoft, has had a lifelong interest in cooking and have a background in science and technology. When he began to use new techniques such as sous know where the food is cooked slowly in vacuum-sealed bags of water at low temperature, he discovered that many chefs do not know much about the science behind cooking. He decided to change, with a massive Cookbook, which was released in March. In 2,438 pages covers modernist kitchen a wide range of techniques for cooking and their scientific backgrounds, including heat transfer and growth of pathogens. (It has recipes, too.)

Here is a fun video from the cookbook author: Exploring the Science of cooking. Mathematicas role in modernist kitchen.

Alasdairs speculation has a nice use of symbolic Math system (in this case Sage) to demonstrate that each year on a Friday the 13th. (Yes, we have just had one last week.)

Dan on dy/dan has an interesting article: The three acts of a mathematical Story.

Mike Croucher has a short article on Walking randomly: iPad 2 vs super computers.

Some time ago I wrote an article on comparison of mobile phones with antique supercomputers and today I learned that Jack Dongarra's Linpack benchmark run on iPad 2 and discovered that it has enough processing power to rival Cray 2; the most powerful supercomputer in the world back in 1985. Jack is iPad 2 so strongly that it would have remained in the top 500 list of world's most powerful supercomputers until 1994. It is a lot of power!

Have a good week.

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