Saturday, 11 June 2011

Calls on all Math bloggers who Tweet

20 May 2011 | by Sol |

[Update 5/25/11] I have deleted Mathtweet group for several reasons, which I may or may not blog about even.

I note that my new player with Mathematica blog gets a fair amount of traffic from Twitter. I would like to more of this traffic so I have come up with an idea and a plan that will serve us all.

What if those of us who are mathematically bloggers Tweet each other's blog articles? Friendfeed makes it easy to create a private (invitation only) group where we can post our latest Math blog articles, so I have created such a group.

An obligation for everyone in the group is to Tweet a large percentage (or all) of the links members record. If you don't like an article then not Tweet it. If you do not like most people post then this group is not for you. While the obligation is for all of us to post to Twitter, you are also welcome and encouraged to post to other social networks. Friendfeed is free of charge (say that three times fast) and makes it very easy to post to a handful of social networks.

I am the owner of the group, so you need to email me at Sun dot lederman at gmail dot com to receive an invitation. Include your Twitter id I can verify that you are active on Twitter. If I do not know the blog then send me a link to, and so I can verify it. If your blog is heavy on commercial and light on content then I do not send an invitation. I would like to have members with content that people feel good about promoting. And if I discover that some members receive benefits, but are not tweeting much then I will drop them from the group.

Send me an email If you want to receive an invitation, or if you have any questions.

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